Below is a collection of articles and fact sheets on strategies to prevent school failure and antisocial behavior. The collection was prepared by the Center in February 1997. References are included at the end of each article.
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Why Are We Surprised?
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Paying Now or Paying Later
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Preventing School Dropouts
aqua.gif (326 bytes) What Can Be Done to Prevent School Failure and Antisocial Behavior: The Utah Example
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Preventing Antisocial Behavior
aqua.gif (326 bytes) School-Wide Approaches to Prevention of Antisocial Behavior
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Early Intervention to Prevent the Development of Antisocial Behavior
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Addressing Antisocial Behavior
aqua.gif (326 bytes) Improving School Results Through Coordinated Services
aqua.gif (326 bytes) How Two Schools Are Helping Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems To Succeed