About the CCBD
CCBD is an international professional organization committed to promoting and facilitating the education and general welfare of children/youth with behavioral and emotional disorders. CCBD, whose members include educators, parents, mental health personnel, and a variety of other professionals, actively pursues quality educational services and program alternatives for persons with behavioral disorders, advocates for the needs of such children and youth, emphasizes research and professional growth as vehicles for better understanding behavioral disorders, and provides professional support for persons who are involved with and serve children and youth with behavioral disorders.

In advocating for the professionals in the field of behavioral disorders, CCBD (a division of the Council for Exceptional Children) endorses the Standards for Professional Practice and Code of Ethics which was adopted by the Delegate Assembly of The Council for Exceptional Children in 1983.
In the News:
CCBD Forum a Success
CCBD hosted a very successful proactive forum on the implementation of the new IDEA on February 20-21 in Orlando, Florida. Thanks to the excellent planning of Lyndal Bullock, the forum was well attended.
Participants heard thought-provoking keynote sessions from Eleanor Guetzloe, James Fox, Sarup Mathur, Bev Johns, and Richard Van Acker. After each keynote session, facilitators worked with small groups to address the practical implementation of the issues. CCBD was fortunate to have excellent facilitators: Maureen Conroy, Juane Heflin, Cathy Kea, Mary Beth Noll, and Brenda Townsend.
As a result of this forum, a monograph is being prepared with all of the information generated. That monograph will be available from CEC Headquarters by July 1.